E-PICTOS is an application that allows communication in people with autistic spectrum disorders or aphasia.This communication system is widely used by speech therapists and operates using the exchange of images or pictograms. Pictograms can be built with drawing software and also with free softwares available on the Internet.This software detects the language used by your tablet and will work in English and French languages.The software consists of two parts:1 - User (user part)2 - Editor (part reserved for professional, family ..., allowing the composition of tabs, coloring or black and white pictograms, select the ones to remain in color. Long press on a tab or image will rename and will grant access to other features. Example: Move function to move a picto between tabs and so on.3- Access to Editor mode is done using a null password in settings. 4- In this mode, a long press on a tab will be used to rename it. Long press on a pictogram will grant access to others functionalities.5- Names or phrases assigned to the pictograms must be written in phonetic without dash or underscore so that the program can pronounce correctly.6- Two reading speeds are available (normal and slow).7- A "PecsFiles.zip" can be created with "Save ..." under Google Drive item, to allow a restoration with pictograms used by your app.Use your Google Drive account in order to save PecsFiles.zip to PECS folder created automatically. 8-A default initialization will allow you to start using the application with few pictograms.If you lost the password to access the Editor mode, double click on the black part at the right of the tabs first line.